Assessment has a place in education. Yet, I believe that at present, our students are subjected to an
overabundance of standardized testing. While some exams provide students opportunities for scholarships and assess future readiness, there are some exams that bear no weight on a student’s given curriculum or forward progression towards graduation. Moreover, some exams do not provide timely, in semester feedback on student performance so that needed changes can be made to address knowledge gaps (Fairman, Johnson, Mette, Wicked 2018). We must be careful not to spend our students’ precious time and taxpayer dollars on exams with limited, to no purpose.
Fairman,J.,Johnson,A. ,Mette,I.,Wickerd,G.,LaBrie,S.(2018, April) A Review of Standardized Testing Practices and Perceptions in Maine. Center for Education Policy, Applied Research, and Evaluation https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED586108.pdf
Tate,E. (2018, December 10) Is Assessment Ready to Move Beyond Standardized Tests? These MIT Researchers Think So. EdSurge.